5 tips on how to write an essay for special occasion.

When you are asked to write an essay on some special occasion, it will be quite difficult for you because it is not general essay writing where you can just follow the rules and write it. The main purpose of writing for special occasions is to describe your feelings and it is more personalized writing rather than if you write for technology or literature. There may come many things to your mind while writing an essay about any occasion, but the thing that matters is how you organize your thoughts and be relevant towards your topic for essay writing. This article will cover how you can make your task easy by following these simple tips.

Start with the Topic:

Well, the best idea behind writing an essay for any occasion is to start by knowing what you are going to write about. You can do this by using a topic map or simply making some quick notes on your core ideas on some random papers before starting with anything else. This will give you a general idea of the topic that you are going to write and also it will give you a clear idea of what your readers want from your essay. Let's take an example if your teacher has given you the liberty to choose any special occasion from your life and write in your own word. This can be your birthday, Christmas, Halloween or someone's close wedding event.


Once you have made yourself clear with the topic, now is the time to gather all the information that you require for this essay. You can use books or online sources such as Google and Wikipedia to gather relevant information on your chosen topic. Recall the main point that made you choose that very specific event for writing. In that event, try to remember those parts where you enjoyed and by writing them you can also engage your reader. Write down those thoughts on a paper before they disappear.

Arrange your Ideas:

It is time now to arrange all the information that you have gathered so far. You can start with the introduction that what was the reason behind the occurrence of that event. After giving a complete introduction, then comes your favorite part of the event where you will write less but it should be engaging enough to make your reader interested in reading your essay till its end. You need to develop two or three body paragraphs where you can take your main points and make your essay more descriptive.


This will be the last part of your essay where you simply summarize all that you have said in your writing giving a clear message towards the end that what are the lessons that you learnt from that special occasion. Here, you can also ask your readers to share their views on the same topic.


Lastly, before submitting your essay give it a complete proofreading by hiring an editor or by yourself if you are confident that you will not miss out on any mistake. Proofreading is one of the most important parts of writing where you can make your essay more presentable in front of your readers.



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