Ways to Explore Interesting Topic in Geography.


There are many ways to discover a good and interesting topic in geography. For example, you can browse through different subject areas: for example:

1. Cities and towns around the world;

2. Physical Geography;

3. Regions;              

4. Natural resources;

5. Economies (agriculture, trade, industry);

6. People and cultures;

7. Special interests (wildlife, water resources, deserts).


Another method is to think about different processes (natural, cultural, economic) in different places. For example:

1. Why are some countries rich and others poor?

2. What kinds of resources does New Zealand have; how did they get that way?

3. What climates exist in the world; where are they found?

4. How is Latin America different from North America?

5. Why were the first civilizations located on the river plains of Egypt and Mesopotamia?

6. What are the important cities in China?

7. Why does Western Europe have more jobs than Eastern Europe; why are there so many former USA military bases in Eastern Europe?

8. How does the region of Africa south of the Sahara desert differ from the north?

9. Why do people still live where there are active volcanoes; what is a geothermal area like?

10. How does economic activity in the United States differ from Canada?


Else you can find 100's of topic ideas about geography here:-



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